Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First things.

I am setting up this blog to discuss things Episcopalian, at the moment mainly same sex marriage in its various guises and the pusillanimity of GC in dealing with this issue. I hope that this issue will go away and then certainly I will get on to other issues -- and I may before then even.

I have been an Episcopalian for slightly less than half my life, having dropped in accidentally in the course of getting married one time. Prior to that I was an accidental Fundamentalist (it was the only church in town and everybody went to church there and then), an interdenominationalist (the school church), a Lutheran (LCA - another wedding) and mainly a nothing -- but "spiritual." Once in, I found I liked it a lot and dove in to the activities of my parish (laid-back Anglo-Catholi
c:fancy dresses, candles, incense but sneakers or Jerusalem ground grippers -- and liberal to radical politics): lector, vestry, altar party, diocesan delegate, etc. and graduated from the diocesan School for Ministry (even got married *in the church* once). My parish has usually (since I've been here) had a woman as rector or at least assistant and is an Oasis parish: advertising as friendly to lgbt people, who, indeed, make up a significant part of the congregation and the leadership.

Lately I have gotten a little disgruntled at the slow pace of progress and the political hanky-panky in at least the national church and the World Wide Anglican Communion led by the ABC. So now and here is my opportunity to vent to someone besides my long-suffering wife and my inattentive cat.

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